Thursday, February 28, 2008


Oh! I forgot to let everyone know that Peyton had his three month shots. I have to admit I was a chicken. I went up there with Peyton, but I had my Mom take him back to get the shots done. It was really sad! I have never heard him cry like that. He was very upset! It turned out okay once I got him in the car. He went right to sleep. I just don't like doing stuff like that. It's a good thing I had my mother there.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Saturday was a bunch of fun. I went shopping in Abilene with Whitney, Ashley, my Aunt Glenna, my Mamaw, and my Mom. It was like a girls day out. Morgan was so cute. She was riding in the little car stroller holding Peyton in front of her. It was the cutiest thing ever! It was really nice to get out of Olney and just spend some time with the family. I wish Kimberly would have been in town!

Monday, February 25, 2008


I took Peyton to have his three month pictures made on Saturday in Abilene. Ashley did them for me. Of course he would not even smile for the pictures. After the pictures he was smiling like crazy. I guess he doesn't like having his picture made.

Chad and I just found out that we are not going to be moving to Abilene afterall. We are going to be going to Odessa.