Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well we found out yesterday that Peyton has strep throat!! I feel so bad for him it is unreal. He was running a fever of 103.5 last night. It was scary I have to admit. Luckily we made it through the night, although we didn't get him in bed till 3:30 this morning. Thankfully, he is feeling better today and is acting more like his self.


Glenna said...

So sorry the little guy is sick. That is no fun and no fun for the parents either. Hope he gets to feeling better soon. Keep some pictures posted.

Whitney said...

My Dr. said babies and toddlers get an average of 8-12 colds a year, which is a lot! Hang in there! It just takes a while to build immunity, I guess! It's no fun when your baby is sick though!

mondie said...

Hey you got the internet running. Great. Hope Peyton is feeling better. I bought him two outfits tonight. Give him bunches of kisses for me. I saw a little girl at Chili's ab out his age. She made me wish Peyton was here.

ajphillips said...

Oh no! I hope he gets to feeling better and you get some rest.

The Wiemers said...

Sorry he is sick again. Maybe it won't be long and he will have his immunities built up.